Kat Cutler-MacKenzie is an artist and art-historian who works at the intersection of both disciplines to explore the ways in which gender and love have been constructed through visual and material culture, and the mythology surrounding the female body. Central to Kat's practice is her collaboration with sculptor and photographer Ben Caro. Her work is informed by French Feminist Theory and, as such, has a psychoanalytic edge that seeks to explore hidden conversations and undercurrents, as well as to trace inter-generational conversations that allow us to explore how history, the past, has shaped how we understand such issues as gender and cultural memory today. She predominantly works in collage, installation, and photography to do so, using the space between images and objects to surface present but often unspoken narratives.
A downloadable pdf of her portfolio can be found at: https://katcutlermackenzie.cargo.site/About
The Cut is an ongoing series of collages exploring the way in which the ideological female body has been constructed through repeated performance, represented in this series by Hollywood cinema. In these collages 'the cut', the splice, is used to surface alternate gender narratives from within these heavily codified images.
Left: Ju tu iel, paper on paper collage, 25.5cm x 36cm, 2020, Top Right: Not myself today, paper on paper collage, 10cm x 6cm (unmounted), 2020, Bottom Right: Feather Boa Fur Stole, paper on paper collage, 13.7 x 10.6 cm (unmounted), 2021
Two Step, paper on paper collage, 33cm x 42cm (framed), 2019
An Archaeology of The Home began as a performance installation but was adapted into a performance to camera due to covid related audience restrictions. In the performance two archaeologists use images depicting female stereotypes — from c.1500 to today — to reconstruct the identity of an unknown woman uncovered in a domestic archaeological site. In the performance the duo use the ‘Betty Almanac’, an unfolding aide-memoire traditionally used by medieval physicians, to speculate as to the identity of the housewife by mapping objects found within her environment onto the diagram. Their findings are spectacular and surreal, revealing the identity of a woman whose body has undergone a sea-change and returned to stone.
O.o.o.h! is a semi-pedagogic, semi-absurd investigation into the menstrual cycle. It takes as its starting point the egg to explore the analogue relationship between bird anatomy, women's bodies, and cosmic bodies such as the moon. Throughout the slideshow the artists also morph their own bodies into one, weaving male, female and bird anatomy together through the use of macro-lenses, performative gestures, and playful inter-titles.
Obsession is a 35mm slide projection inspired and accompanied by the perfume Obsession by Calvin Klein. The scent is known for its sensuous, 'animal' qualities, and was used by scientists at the Maya Biosphere Reserve to attract jaguars towards hidden cameras during their research.
Blood Stars is a growing body of collages exploring the tension between patriotism, violence, and bloodshed in images of modern and contemporary conflict. In this collage series on war, ‘the cut’ is used to create time ruptures that are suggestive of flashbacks, or the emergence of repressed memories.
CW: the following works include images of death and blood.
Top Left: Blood Star, 21.7cm x 14.9cm (unmounted), Middle Left: War Again, 21.8cm x 14.5cm (unmounted), Bottom Left: Sarajevo, 21.6cm x 14cm (unmounted), Top Right: Plastic Roses for Stalin, 30.5cm x 40.6cm (mounted on 300gsm smooth paper), Bottom Right: Good Men, 21.6cm x 14cm (unmounted)
O.o.o.logy is a triptych of photographs that documents performative interactions with two quails eggs. The photographs were used by the artists to investigate how to communicate speculative encounters, display/presentation, and analogous methods of thinking with objects.
O.o.o.logy installed in the exhibition 'ohm', Former Project Space, Brussels. Photo courtesy Laura De Jaeger.
A downloadable pdf of her portfolio can be found at: https://katcutlermackenzie.cargo.site/About